The challenge: Let's choose words that encourage one another and "speak life."

Our school theme this year, "Speak Life," encourages students to be intentional about choosing words that build up and encourage, leaving out the words that break people down. As a school community this year we'll dig into our theme Bible verse and explore what that looks like for each of us.
“Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” -- Ephesians 4:29
Throughout the school year during chapels and assemblies, students and staff will sing this year's theme song: "Speak Life" by Toby Mac.
Some key messages students will explore include:
Every word carries a meaning and a purpose.
Words can carry a heavy weight through their meaning or their tone.
Words have an impact that lasts.
We have an opportunity to carefully choose the words we use.
Challenge: Let's choose words that encourage one another and "speak life."
We're excited to see how God will inspire and transform our community this year through the power of our words. Maybe we will be like the plant in this two-minute video that students watched in chapel this month.