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Remembrance Day chapel honours our Canadian heroes


Updated: Nov 11, 2022

NCS students and staff honour veterans and those in active service with songs, prayer and a minute of silence.

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This week students and staff at Nanaimo Christian School came together to honour Remembrance Day at an all-school chapel. Our big and little buddies all met up and sat together to pause to remember those who have fought and those who continue to fight for freedom -- for those who had and have the courage to step in when they saw that something was wrong.

Students sat silently and listened to the stories that were shared. More than 30 NCS families submitted photos of alumni, dads, uncles, aunts, grandparents, great grandparents, and even great great great grandparents either currently serving or who have served our country. Some relatives were POWs and some died in service. You could have heard a pin drop in the gym during the video compilation as the faces of each of these appeared on screen.

Many parents and community members joined us and were able to be a part of this poignant service. Students sang 'O Canada,' prayed the Lord's Prayer and listened to the 'Last Post' trumpet before observing a minute of silence.

We honoured those who have and are serving in our armed forces and as first responders. We honour them and recognize that freedom is not free. We recognize their sacrifice as they fought and continue to fight for our safety and freedom.

It has been said: All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men and women to do nothing.

We thank our armed forces and first responders for their service, but we also recognize that in order for there to be peace in our world, we each must step in when we see something that is wrong. Indeed, this is what Jesus has called us to, and what he demonstrated for us on the cross.


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