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NCS students learn about accessibility and celebrate their own superpowers


Updated: Apr 4, 2024

On Superhero Spirit Day big & little buddy groups gathered for an all-school activity and chapel, learning about disability, accessibility and how God created us with our own unique set of gifts and abilities.

In today's Superhero Spirit Day all-school activity and chapel, Nanaimo Christian School students gathered with their big and little buddies to learn more about disability and accessibility. Students learned that we are all superheroes and we all have special gifts and abilities.  Like most superheroes we also have our own ‘cryptonite’ and challenges that stretch us.  

In class students learned about 3 terms: Ableism, Disability & Inclusion.  In their buddy groups students then did a few activities. One activity was to build a bracelet with bead colours that represented each of their different superpowers:

Red: People -- Helper, Cooperator, Uses humour (making jokes, using wit), Works in a team, Includes others who feel left out

Orange: Emotions -- Cares for animals, Cares for other people, Self-aware, Friendly, Matches reaction to the size of the problem, Talks about their worries

Yellow: Thinking -- Problem solver, Curious, Math minded, Reads, Writes, Science, Critical thinker, Has cool ideas

Green: Physical -- Agile, Super strength, Quick reaction times, Climbs, Jumps, Sleep, Nutrition, Sports, Fast runner

Blue: Character -- Resilient, I do my best, Responsible, Honest, has integrity, Leadership, Believes in self (self- confident), Humble (recognizes weakness)

Purple: Creativity -- Imaginative, Artistic (painting, music, drama, Builds cool creations, Colors, Reads, Writes stories

Pink: Spiritual -- Goes to church, Read bible, Memorizes scripture, Encourages others, Prays for friends, Loves others like Jesus does

Body of Christ: The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. -- 1 Corinthians 12

Our goal as a school this year is to raise awareness and funds to help make some of the challenges easier to manage; for our school to be a place that is barrier free, where everyone can use their superpowers without anything standing in their way.

To learn more about our accessibility plan follow this link here.  To learn more about our Gala & Auction fundraiser for accessibility you can visit this link.


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