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Congrats to 2020 grad athlete Katie!

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

Katie and her coaches reflect on her athletic career at NCS.

“Basketball was an amazing program that helped me grow and develop as a player, built up my confidence on and off the court, and taught me how to lead a team.” — Katie, grade 12 (pictured, at right)

Congratulations to Katie and all of our 2020 grade 12 athletes at Nanaimo Christian School! What a joy it has been to celebrate your unique gifts and watch you grow into the person God has called you to be.

“Katie was the captain on our team and the clear senior leader of our group. As a basketball player Katie was recognized as an outstanding player both on our team and by our entire league. She could easily have won the most improved player the most sportsmanlike and the MVP this year for our team. She averaged over 20 points a game double digits in rebounds and was the key to our defense and the linchpin for our offense.      However, to talk about Katie only as a basketball player would be unfair and similar to describing only one side of a coin. As good as Katie is at basketball, even being named an island all-star, she was and is an even better person.      We had a very young team and she could have easily separated herself from the younger girls but instead she embraced them, she treated them with a kindness that not only blessed their lives but taught them how to be good. She is by nature a kind and quiet person, but I learned early on that she was also a strong defender of her friends and of what is right.      I could easily say that she was the type of woman that every coach would want to have on their team. I think the more correct and higher praise that I can provide for her is that she is the type of woman every father hopes their daughter turns out like.      Thank you, Katie, for the opportunity to learn from you. God bless you in all that you do moving forward.” — Shane Faganello (NCS Sr. Girls Basketball Coach)

“Every time I talked to another coach about Katie and her progression in volleyball the same word would constantly come up: Potential. Although, the word potential does not do Katie justice. Not only has Katie displayed her abilities to be successful in the future, but I believe that Katie has surpassed all of those prior expectations.      On and off the court, Katie, you have been a stronghold for your team and to your friends, in a quiet and simple way. You build confidence where there is none and leadership when it is needed most. I am proud to have been your coach, and I can’t wait to see where God takes you.” — Coach Tanaka (NCS Volleyball Coach)

“Katie is a true competitor who plays with her heart on her sleeve! From her hard work ethic to her relentless commitment to always trying to improve her game, she is one of the most dedicated, selfless, driven athletes I have met. Katie is an amazing example of never giving up and pushing through to turn your weaknesses into strengths.      I can still remember starting pre-season training one year and just being blown away with how much Katie had improved her game during the off season. One of Katie’s greatest strengths is that when she puts her mind to something she will always get it done and if you ever make the mistake of telling her she can’t do something she will be the first to prove you wrong! Katie plays every game as if it’s her last and leaves everything out on the court.

It has been an honor to have had the privilege of coaching and seeing Katie grow into the amazing person she is today. I hope that any of our younger athletes here at NCS can learn from Katie’s amazing leadership and commitment. You will be greatly missed, Katie.” — Coach Pat (NCS Sr Girls Volleyball Coach)


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