Introducing two new educational assistants at NCS

Meet our new educational assistants in elementary school, Mrs. Adeline Hill and Mrs. Sung-hee Welsh (from left).
1. What’s your job title at NCS?
Educational asisstant. Mrs. Adeline Hill is in Kindergarten and Mrs. Welsh is working in Grade 1/2.
2. Tell us a bit about your work before coming to NCS.
Both Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Welsh are joining us after a few years working from home and raising their children. Mrs. Welsh worked as an early childhood educator before spending time at home with her children. Mrs. Hill has a background in fitness coaching and dental hygiene.
3. What do you love most about the type of work you do?
Mrs. Welsh told us 'I love to be a part of God’s work for each child. And it always make me excited and happy to see children grow in many different parts of their life.'
4. If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Why?
Mrs. Hill would be a dog as she loves to walk outside and enjoys treats.
5. What’s your secret talent or party trick?
Mrs. Welsh is an expert at folding origami paper. She even has an instructor's license from when she was in university in Korea. Mrs. Hill was born in Romania and can speak Romanian.
6. What are your hobbies?
When she is not busy with her family, Mrs. Welsh enjoys knitting, crocheting and sewing. Mrs. Hill loves being outside. She has a little hobby farm and she enjoys strength training, hiking and swimming and enjoying this beautiful island.
7. What’s one thing God has been teaching you this year?
Mrs. Welsh says, 'God's been teaching me many things through my life but I will say he's been teaching me this year to trust Him whatever circumstances we are in and follow His lead. And when I put my trust in Him I have peace that comes from the Lord.' Mrs. Hill is learning that God's plans for her life are 'exceedingly more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us'. Ephesians 3:20