Introducing new additions to the student support team in elementary school at NCS.

Meet Mrs. Kristina Heggs, Mrs. Jenn Woelke, Mrs. Laurie Leiding, and Mrs. Annie Bouma (pictured from left), the newest additions to the elementary school student support team at Nanaimo Christian School! Not pictured: Mrs. Loida Cruz Airmont, Mrs. Kelly Davalos, Mrs. Melissa Motley, Mrs. Karissa Roper.
Here are 7 things you need to know about them.
1) They support students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 in a variety of different roles: Educational Assistant, Learning Support Teacher and Classroom Assistant.
2) Before coming to NCS Mrs. Heggs worked as an EA in Port Alberni for 10 years and then was a stay-at-home mom to her 3 children for 6 years. Mrs. Roper taught Grade 2 at Master’s Academy in Calgary for 5 years before having 2 kids and staying home with them for the last 5 years.
3) What Mrs. Bouma loves about her job: "1. Helping scared or upset kids feel loved and safe when they know I'm a safe person. 2. Helping kids do something they really didn't believe they could do. 3. Seeing my own kiddos at work! 4. Seeing kids at chapel singing to Jesus ... at school!! It makes me tear up every time."
4) If Mrs. Leiding were an animal she would be a great bald eagle. She would fly high above the trees and sea and visit her family who lives far away.
5) When Mrs. Woelke isn't working she enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, hiking, walks and coffee with friends, playing board games, reading and planning/dreaming of future home renovations.
6) Mrs. Motley enjoys hiking, fishing, and crabbing with her family. She also loves playing baseball and instilling the love of the game in the next generation by coaching and volunteering around the ball field.
7) God has been teaching Mrs. Roper to trust He always has the path figured out. "I just need to live a life that honours Him and He will be faithful," she says.