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2020-21 school year theme: THRIVE

Writer's picture: Jamie MooreJamie Moore

“It’s time for us to more than just survive, we were made to THRIVE.”

Our school theme this year is one that fits our changing and challenging circumstances perfectly: THRIVE. As a school community, we do not want to look back post-pandemic and feel like we just survived when we were made to thrive!

Have a listen to our theme song, "Thrive" by Casting Crowns, it describes so well what we hope and pray for. We will be trees planted by living water, rooted in who God has called us to be. We are not called to be ordinary. God has much bigger plans for each of us and for our school.

“It’s time for us to more than just survive, we were made to THRIVE.”

It says this in Jeremiah 17:7-8, our theme verse this year, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

How cool is that? We do not need to fear or worry but we can rest in confidence because our trust is in Him.

Together we are not just going to survive this school year. We are going to THRIVE and give thanks to our great God!

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