of outdoor learning & discovery
Come along with us as we take learning outside!
Help NCS students in K-12 who need more access to hands-on learning, especially outdoors. Together, let’s give them more opportunities to “Look Up!” from phones/devices, explore God’s creation, and learn in meaningful real-world ways.
This year’s annual fund ignites the spark of discovery. It focuses on outdoor learning spaces, programs, and equipment. Outdoor learning is already making a difference at Nanaimo Christian School. We want to build on that. Here are the priorities in each division:
Elementary School – For students to take more of their learning outdoors.
What’s needed: Creating outdoor eco-learning spaces that explore sustainability, expanding our school gardens.
Middle School – For students to meaningfully connect their knowledge of technology with their investigation of the outdoors.
What’s needed: Action cameras and software capable of quality video editing, weather-resistant equipment made for outdoor learning environments.
High School – For students to be equipped with tools to explore and understand God's design in our world.
What’s needed: Drone technology, cameras, scientific instruments such as weather stations and aquaponics, resources for students to be well equipped for outdoor education programs.
Benefits of outdoor learning
Research on learning in nature has revealed several positive benefits: stress reduction, decreased anxiety, improved social connections, stronger connections to nature, enhanced learning outcomes, and engagement in indoor classes. (Source: UBC)
Trusting for God’s provision
Over the past five years we’ve seen $600,000 in generous gifts from our community that have contributed to other similar initiatives – including a playground and the purchase of a 4-acre field across the street – that are part of our long-term campus plan to create more outdoor and hands-on opportunities for students. We are trusting in God’s provision once again now.
The goal: $80,000 by June 30, 2025
Please pray and consider giving. Your gift toward outdoor learning spaces, programs, and equipment will boost engagement in learning and transform kids’ mental and physical health. Your gifts are tax deductible as NCS is a registered charitable organization.
DONATE online or e-transfer to accounting@ncsnanaimo.com
(indicate "outdoor learning")
Did you know
As a level-one funded school, NCS receives 50% of the student grant given to local public schools. Tuition isn’t enough for what is needed. NCS relies on generous giving to cover some costs associated with programs, services building utilities, maintenance and facility upgrades.
Give a gift today
Pray that where God guides He will also provide.
Partner with NCS by making a financial gift or contribute your company’s in-kind services. E-transfer to accounting@ncsnanaimo.com (indicate outdoor learning) or donate online here:
Questions? Contact us!
250.754.4512 ext. 120 or development@ncsnanaimo.com
“Your support helps each student learn about the big plans God has for them as unique and wonderfully made image-bearers. Outdoor hands-on activities help them discover who God has called them to be.”
-- Mike Campbell, Head of School
As a level-one funded school, NCS receives 50% of the student grant given to local public schools. NCS relies on generous giving to cover some costs associated with programs, services, building utilities, maintenance and facility upgrades.