1. Introduction
Nanaimo Christian School (NCS) is committed to working towards the mission and vision by providing safety and
care for students, their families, and staff while providing Christian education.
Communicable disease prevention focuses on reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and other
communicable diseases, and includes both ongoing measures (e.g. hand hygiene, cleaning) and additional
measures to be implemented as advised by public health and WorksafeBC.
This document provides a framework of the guidelines that are in place to safely operate. NCS plans to
communicate frequently with our Indigenous, educational, and regional health partners to ensure NCS is working
collaboratively to listen and ensure that the needs in our school community are being met.
2. Trauma Informed Practice
Nanaimo Christian school realizes that the ongoing pandemic has had an effect on staff and students.
Trauma-informed practice is a compassionate lens of understanding that is helpful to all children, youth and
adults, especially those who have experienced traumatic events and early hardships. The main components of
this lens are rooted in the understanding that all behaviour and actions happen for a reason and it is up to each
of us, in our helping capacity, to acknowledge current coping strategies and to assist children, youth and adults
through supportive relationships and creative opportunities.
Trauma-informed practice involves the long-term work of transforming schools into compassionate learning
communities. Trauma-informed is not about doing more in the classroom and community but rather, about
doing things differently.
3. Distancing and Space Arrangement
Although public health no longer recommends learning groups and physical distancing of 2M we will continue to
implement and encourage strategies to help create space between people and to support students and staff in
returning to school using a trauma-informed approach:
Reminders about respecting others personal space.
Use available space to spread people out, both in learning environments and for gatherings and events, where possible.
Implement strategies that prevent crowding at pick-up and drop-off times.
Stagger recess/snack, lunch and class transition times to provide a greater amount of space for everyone.
Take students outside more often, where and when possible.
Elementary School - Tables and desks have been spread out as much as possible to use all available space in
classrooms. When students are absent, students will spread out further to maximize spacing.
Middle School - Students will face forward at tables and all space available in a classroom will be used. Seating
plans will be adjusted when students are absent to spread out the students who are in class. Crowding will be
avoided at all times by planning learning activities that do not require small groups in close proximity.
High School - Same as above. High school classrooms also have desks and tables that have seating limits clearly
marked with stickers. All hallway tables are limited to one person per table.
Elementary School - We have designated additional entrances and exits to avoid crowding first thing in the
morning and at the end of recesses. We will be filing into the buildings in a designated order so that classes can
travel to their cubbies separately and enter their classrooms in a one-way fashion, to avoid crowding and travel
back and forth in the hallways at peak transition times. Adult supervision will be increased in the hallway to keep
cubby time quick and efficient, and groups interacting as little as possible.
Middle School - We will be limiting the amount of time that all students are congregating in the hallways by
having students bring lunches and all necessary supplies to homeroom classes at the beginning of the day. This
will reduce the frequency and number of students who need to access their lockers throughout the day.
High School - High School students will be dismissed gradually from their classes utilizing the time available
between classes to get to their next room. Hallways have been clearly marked with directional arrows, and
teachers will help in the hallways by encouraging students not to loiter in open spaces. Bathroom limits have
been put in place, and students are encouraged to use transition time between classes, but also between
learning activities to access the washrooms.
Elementary School - The designated additional entrances and exits will help to avoid crowding. Students who
arrive before the morning bell are still welcome to play as they do at recess, and when the bell rings go to their
designated area. At the end of the school day, students will be dismissed in their staggered time and leave out
their designated exit and will avoid crowding by going directly to their parents for pick up.
Middle School - We will be utilizing all 3 entrances as students arrive at school, and dismissing students from
class to recess and at the end of the day by using only the outside exits at the end of the hall. This will limit
students’ ability to gather with other students inside at the end of the day. Students will be reminded to wait for
parents outside while keeping distance from other students.
High School - Students will enter the school using assigned entry doors designed to spread them out and limit
access to common areas of crowding. During lunch and at the end of the day, teachers will gradually release
students to leave out their assigned doors and will disperse students gathering where possible. Students will be
reminded to wait for parents outside while keeping distance from other students.
4. Student Support
NCS will continue to provide the necessary care needed to facilitate learning for our students that are in student
support. We will continue to implement health and safety measures that promote inclusion of students with
disabilities/diverse abilities. Supporting students with disabilities/diverse abilities may require staff providing
support services to be in close physical proximity or in physical contact with a student. These close interactions
will follow the guidelines outlined by the Ministry of Education.
5. Transportation
Nanaimo Christian School contracts Smith Transportation for daily and field trip busing. The following guidelines
will be used for transportation at NCS.
Buses used for transporting students should be cleaned and disinfected according to the guidance provided in the Cleaning and Disinfecting section of this document.
Bus drivers should clean their hands often, including before and after completing trips. Drivers are encouraged to regularly use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol during trips.
Bus drivers are required to wear a non-medical mask, a face covering or a face shield (in which case a non-medical mask should be worn in addition to the face shield) on school buses except while driving.
Students in Grades 4 to 12 are required to wear non-medical masks or face coverings when they are on the bus. Students in Grades K to 3 are encouraged to wear a non-medical mask or face covering on school buses .
Parents and caregivers must assess their child daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before sending them to school (see themDaily Health Check section for more information). If a child is sick, they must not take the bus or go to school.
Students should clean their hands before and after taking the bus.
Spread passengers out if empty seats are available.
Open windows when the weather permits.
Bus drivers and students should be encouraged to practice respiratory etiquette while on the bus.
6. Use of Staff Vehicles (with or without students)
Staff may use their personal vehicles with other staff as passengers or to transport students as part of an
approved school activity as follows:
Spread out vehicle occupants as much as possible.
Travel with the same people whenever possible.
Set the vehicle's ventilation to bring in fresh outside air, and do not recirculate the air.
Open windows when the weather allows.
Clean hands before and after trips.
Students, staff and other adults must follow the mask requirements
7. Cleaning and Disinfecting
Nanaimo Christian School contracts Brewer Janitorial for the janitorial needs of the school. Regular cleaning and
disinfection are essential to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 from contaminated objects and surfaces.
The guidelines listed below are used by Brewer Janitorial.
Cleaning: the physical removal of visible soiling (e.g. dust, soil, blood, mucus). Cleaning removes, rather than
kills, viruses and bacteria. It is done with water, detergents and steady friction from a cleaning cloth. All visibly
soiled surfaces should be cleaned before being disinfected.
Disinfection: the killing of viruses and bacteria. A disinfectant is only applied to objects; never on the human
For cleaning, use water and detergent (e.g. liquid dishwashing soap), or common, commercially available
cleaning wipes, along with good physical cleaning practices (i.e. using strong action on surfaces). For
hard-to-reach areas, use a brush and rinse thoroughly prior to disinfecting.
For disinfection, use common, commercially available disinfectants such as ready-to-use disinfecting wipes and
pre-made solutions (no dilution needed).
Follow these procedures when cleaning and disinfecting:
Always wash hands before and after handling shared objects.
Items and surfaces that children have placed in their mouths or that have been in contact with bodily fluids should be cleaned as soon as possible and between uses by different children.
Dishwasher-safe items can be cleaned and disinfected in a dishwasher with a hot rinse cycle.
The following frequency guidelines must be adhered to when cleaning and disinfecting:
General cleaning of the premises, and cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces, at least once in a 24-hour period.
Clean and disinfect any surface that is visibly dirty.
Empty garbage containers daily.
8. Visitor Access / Community Use
Nanaimo Christian School is pleased to see a gradual opening of the school for visitors and having parents
welcome to help in a more substantial way this year. It is still being determined the exact opening of the school
to parents and visitors. The school has been given guidelines to guide small groups of visitors in the school.
Here are the current guidelines in place:
December 29 - Visitors are limited to those that are supporting activities that are of direct benefit to student learning and wellbeing. This may include:
â—‹ External consultants such as a counselor, occupational therapist, social worker, etc.
â—‹ Teacher or EA practicum students
â—‹ Guest speakers who are subject or topic specialists
â—‹ Board members fulfilling the work associated with their role as a Board member.
Schools are responsible for ensuring that visitors are aware of communicable disease protocols and requirements, and have completed a daily health check prior to entering the school.
â—‹ Information on communicable disease protocols and requirements for visitors should be posted by the entrance to the school, luded in communications to students and families.
Schools must have a sign in/sign out process in place for all visitors and staff who are not typically onsite (e.g. TTOCs, itinerant teachers/specialists, maintenance or IT personnel, district/authority administrators).
All visitors must wear a non-medical mask when they are inside the school. See the Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) section for more information.
Where possible, visitor access should be limited to those areas required for the purpose of the visit (e.g. school office for drop-off/pick-up of items, gymnasium for a sports event, etc.), and parents/caregivers should be encouraged to drop-off/pick-up students outside of the school.
Parents/caregivers and other visitors should respect others’ personal space while on the school grounds, including outside.
After hours community use of facilities is allowed in alignment with other health and safety measures:
Use must occur in line with those activities permitted as per relevant local, regional, provincial and federal public health recommendations and Orders. School boards have to determine if community use is appropriate for their facility.
Diligent hand hygiene
Respiratory etiquette
Ensuring participants stay home if they are feeling ill
Where possible, limiting building access to only those areas required for the purpose of the activity
Community users are responsible for collecting names and contact information of participants to support contact
tracing activities by the local health authority.
9. Illness & Self-Assessment Policies & Protocols
A way to reduce the likelihood of a person with COVID-19 entering NCS when they are infectious is by the
completion of a daily health check.
Parents and caregivers should assess their children daily for illness before sending them to school.
â—‹ Parents/caregivers and students can utilize the provincial K-12 Health Check app for daily assessment of symptoms.
Staff and other adults should complete a daily health check prior to entering the school.
If a student, staff or other adult is sick, they must not enter the school.
Staff and other adults (e.g. parents, caregivers, visitors) entering the school/worksite must complete a daily
health check prior to entering the school/worksite and to stay home if they are sick.
Parents/caregivers must complete a daily health check with their child, and keep them home from school if they
are sick.
Students and staff who become sick while at school/work will be sent home as soon as possible.
Some students or staff may not be able to be picked up immediately. As such, NCS will have a space available where the student or staff can wait comfortably and is separated from others (at least 2M), and provide the student or staff with a non-medical mask if they do not have one.
NCS will provide supervision for younger children. Supervising staff should wear a non-medical mask and face shield if they are unable to maintain physical distance, avoid touching bodily fluids as much as possible, and practice diligent hand hygiene.
When a student, staff or other adult can return to school depends on the type of symptoms they experienced
and if a COVID-19 test is recommended. See the K-12 Health Check app and BCCDC “When to get tested for
COVID-19” resources for specific guidance. Staff, students and parents/caregivers can also use the BCCDC online Self-Assessment Tool, or call 8-1-1 or their health care provider.
Updated January 7, 2022
In addition to completing a daily health check, regularly monitor for symptoms of illness and stay home when sick.
Complete any reporting tool provided by public health if a student tests positive for COVID-19 (regardless of test type), including providing all school-related information requested.
When reporting an absence to the school, specify that the absence is illness-related
â—‹ You are not required to disclose if the illness is COVID-19, however those who test positive for
COVID-19 should be diligent in ensuring their school is aware their absence is illness-related.
Continuing to follow public health guidance and recommendations.
Should a student test positive for COVID-19, use the following resources to guide what you should do:
â—‹ Attached is a pdf called “I Tested Positive for COVID.”
â—‹ Visit the BCDCD COVID-19 Website
Students and staff who experience symptoms consistent with a previously diagnosed health condition (e.g.
seasonal allergies) can continue to attend school when they are experiencing these symptoms as normal. They
do not require re-assessment by a health-care provider and should not be required to provide a health-care
provider note. If they experience any new or unexplained symptoms, they should seek assessment by a
healthcare provider.
Household contacts should continue to self-monitor for symptoms and stay home if they get sick. All school students and staff members should regularly self-monitor for symptoms as usual as per the Daily Health Check.
Those who develop symptoms should stay home.
If you are a traveler returning from outside Canada and test positive for COVID-19, you need to follow the
quarantine requirements set by the Federal government. Visit the Government of Canada website for more
information: travel.gc.ca/travel-covid
10. Communication
Medical Health Officers play the lead role in determining if, when and how to communicate information
regarding increased COVID-19 activity within a school. NCS will work with Island Health when a potential activity
signal is met to determine if specific communications are warranted (e.g., notification to the broader school
community). Activity signals include:
If school attendance is 10% below historical normal (e.g., the previous years),
If fewer than 75% of students in a grade/class are in attendance, OR
A functional closure is being considered or implemented. A functional closure is related to staff shortages.
11. Rapid Antigen Tests
Public health continues to direct how rapid antigen tests are best utilized as part of the provincial pandemic
response, including when and how they are deployed for school-specific use. As more supply becomes available,
rapid antigen tests will increasingly be available for use in K-12 schools to support continuity of learning and
keeping schools open, under the continued direction of Medical Health Officers.
NCS has a limited number of rapid antigen tests currently available and will deploy these as necessary with staff
in order to best manage staff shortages.
12. Hand Hygiene
Rigorous hand-washing with plain soap and water is the most effective way to reduce the spread of illness
(antibacterial soap is not needed for COVID-19). Follow these guidelines to ensure effective hand hygiene in
Practice diligent hand hygiene by washing hands with plain soap and water for at least 20 seconds (temperature does not change the effectiveness of washing hands with plain soap and water).
Facilitate regular opportunities for staff and students to practice hand hygiene: 18
Use portable hand-washing sites and/or alcohol-based hand sanitizer dispensers containing at least 60% alcohol, where sinks are not available.
Hand-washing should be encouraged upon school entry and before/after breaks and eating, using washrooms and using frequently touched shared equipment.
Promote the importance of diligent hand hygiene to staff and students regularly. For example, display this hand hygiene poster at handwashing sites.
Ensure hand-washing supplies are always well stocked including soap, paper towels and where appropriate, alcohol-based hand rub with a minimum of 60% alcohol.
Staff should assist younger students with hand hygiene as needed.
Students may bring their own sanitizer or plain soap if they require specialized soaps.
If hands are visibly soiled, alcohol-based hand rub may not be effective at eliminating microbes. Soap and water are preferred when hands are visibly dirty. If it is not available, use an alcohol-based hand wipe followed by alcohol-based hand rub.
13. Respiratory Etiquette
Students and staff should:
Cough and sneeze into their elbow, sleeve, or a tissue.
Throw away used tissues and immediately perform hand hygiene.
14. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment (including masks) can provide an additional layer of protection. Non-medical
masks and face coverings (hereafter referred to collectively as “masks”) have a role to play in preventing the
spread of COVID-19. They provide some protection to the wearer and to those around them.
In the event a regional or provincial public health recommendation or Order requires stricter non-medical mask
use than what is outlined in this document, that recommendation or Order should be followed.
All K-12 staff are required to wear a mask or a face shield (in which case a mask should be worn in addition to
the face shield) indoors in schools and on school buses.
All students in Grades K to 12 are required to wear a mask or a face shield (in which case a non-medical mask
should be worn in addition to the face shield) indoors in schools and on school buses.
All visitors must wear a non-medical mask when they are inside the school.
a person who cannot tolerate wearing a mask for health or behavioural reasons;
a person who is unable to put on or remove a mask without the assistance of another person;
if the mask is removed temporarily for the purposes of identifying the person wearing it;
if the mask is removed temporarily to engage in an educational activity that cannot be performed while wearing a mask (e.g. playing a wind instrument, engaging in high-intensity physical activity, etc.);
if a person is eating or drinking;
if a person is behind a barrier; or
while providing a service to a person with a disability or diverse ability (including but not limited to a hearing impairment) where visual cues, facial expressions and/or lip reading/movements is important.
While the mask requirements outlined in this document specifically apply to K-12 schools, public health
recommends that staff and visitors at non-school sites (e.g., administrative offices, maintenance facilities, etc.)
wear masks in indoor common/shared spaces if they are not fully vaccinated. Staff and visitors at non-school
sites must also adhere to any regional or provincial public health recommendations or orders for workplaces
requiring increased mask use.
Schools will not be required a health-care provider note (i.e. a doctor’s note) to confirm if staff, students, or
visitors cannot wear a mask. No student will be prevented from attending or fully participating at school if they
do not wear a mask.
15. Ventilation and Air Circulation
At this time, there is no evidence that a building’s ventilation system, in good working condition, would
contribute to the spread of the virus. Good indoor air ventilation alone cannot protect people from exposure to
COVID-19; however, it may reduce risk when used in addition to other preventive measures.
NCS will:
Ensure that filters will be a minimum MERV 13 filter or higher
Move activities outdoors when possible (for example, lunch, classes, physical activity) and encourage moving classrooms outside when space and weather permit
Increase air exchanges by adjusting the HVAC system where possible, keep windows open, if weather permits and HVAC system function will not be negatively impacted
Use portable air conditioners and fans in unventilated spaces WITH doors and windows open.
16. Emergency and Evacuation Drills
NCS will continue to practice various emergency procedures, including six school fire evacuation drills required
annually by BC Fire Code, lockdown drills, etc.
Staff should be notified in advance of emergency/evacuation drills.
The BC Fire Code requires schools to conduct “total evacuation fire drills” involving all occupants in the building. Partial building evacuations involving smaller groups of students would not comply with the fire drill requirements of BC Fire Code
Schools must continue to review their fire safety plans on a minimum annual basis, as per the BC Fire Code, to “ensure it takes account of the changes in use and other characteristics of the building” (such as pandemic-related protocols). Changes to school fire safety plans, including fire drill procedures, should be developed in cooperation with the local fire department.
Emergency procedures may require modification to adhere to communicable disease plans (e.g. designating additional muster locations to reduce crowding where required, making efforts to minimize involuntary physical contact between participants, etc.). Schools may also need to consult with their local medical health officer for guidance on current public health Orders, which may affect site specific emergency and evacuation procedures.
In the event of an actual emergency, procedure modifications may be suspended to ensure a timely, efficient and safe response.
17. Staff Only Spaces, Meetings and Other Situations
Staff only situations no longer require COVID-19 Safety Plan, but employers are required to prevent and respond
to communicable disease. As a business transitions it is recommended by Public Health that employers maintain
some existing COVID-19 protocols that do not negatively impact operations or safety. Following are the
Guidelines for NCS:
1. Staff must adhere to the most current public health orders at all times. This includes K-12 guidelines,
gathering orders, etc…
2. Shared office spaces can be used as normal. Additional occupants should be limited to ensure adequate
spacing can be maintained.
3. Staff Gatherings - updated December 29, 2021
a. Gatherings for the purpose of planning/collaboration can occur in-person an in classrooms
spaces but not exceed the capacity indicated below
b. Staff meetings and professional development will be conducted virtually
c. Gatherings for the purpose of socializing or other discretionary activities must adhere to the
public health orders and requirements
4. Room Capacity Limits
a. Gym - 50% of what the activity would typically be
b. Music room - 8 adults
c. Band room - 12 adults
d. Staff room - 12 adults
e. Double classroom - 24 adults when partions opened
f. Conference room
i. Building A - 6 adults
ii. MS/HS student support office - 8 adults
g. Office spaces - 2-4, depending on if space allows
5. Overnight accomodations for work, extracurricular, pro-d.
a. Shared rooms between vaccinated/unvaccinated staff should be avoided
b. Additional costs that may need to be incurred must have approval from the Head Principal
18. School Gatherings and Events
School gatherings and events (including inter-school events) can occur in line with those permitted as per
relevant local, regional, provincial and federal public health recommendations and Orders.
Current as of December 29, 2021
School gatherings and events (e.g., assemblies, parent-teacher interviews, etc.)will be held virtually.
If gatherings and events must be in-person (e.g., inter-school sports game, theatre productions),the number of people in attendance will be minimized as much as possible, not exceeding 50%operating capacity, and do not allow spectators.
Other considerations:
respecting student and staff comfort levels regarding personal space;
using space available to spread people out as much as possible, respecting room occupancy limits, and ensuring enough space is available to prevent involuntarily physical contact between attendees (i.e. overcrowding); and
gradual transitions to larger gatherings (e.g. school-wide assemblies), including starting with virtual or smaller in-person options, shorter in-person sessions, etc.
19. Curriculum, Programs and Activities
When planning field trips, staff should follow existing policies and procedures as well as the guidance in this
document. Additional measures specific to field trips should be taken, including:
For transportation, including school bus transportation, public transit and carpooling, see guidance in thetransportation section above.
Schools must ensure that volunteers providing supervision are trained in and strictly adhere to requiredhealth and safety guidelines.
Alignment with relevant local, regional, provincial and federal public health recommendations and Orders, including for international travel.
Overnight trips are allowed following the guidance for overnight camps from BCCDC and the BC Camps
Association when planning overnight trips that include group accommodation.
Schools can continue to include food preparation as part of learning programs for students. The following
guidelines should be applied:
Food Safety
Continue to follow normal food safety measures and requirements
Implement the cleaning and disinfecting measures outlined in the Cleaning and Disinfecting section of this
Hand Hygiene and Cleaning Protocols
Students and staff should wash their hands in alignment with normal food safety measures and requirements.
Refer to the Cleaning and Disinfecting section for cleaning/disinfecting protocols.
Schools can continue to provide food services, including for sale.
Food Safety Legislation and the Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in B.C. Schools continue to apply as
Food and beverages must not be shared.
K-12 staff and students in Grades 3 to 12 must wear masks when indoors and a barrier is not present. Masks can
be temporarily removed while engaging in an educational activity that cannot be performed while wearing a
mask (e.g. playing a wind instrument), but must be worn while singing.
Shared equipment should be cleaned and disinfected as per Cleaning and Disinfecting guidelines and students
should be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after music equipment use.
Equipment that touches the mouth (e.g. instrument mouth pieces) should not be shared unless cleaned and
disinfected in between uses.
Spread out students and staff within available space, and encourage outdoor activities and programs, as much as
K-12 staff and students in Grades 3 to 12 are required to wear masks during PHE/outdoor program classes when
they are indoors and a barrier is not present.
Students are not required to wear masks during high-intensity physical activities6 (e.g. stationary bike,
weightlifting, basketball, soccer); mask use during these activities is left to Staff are encouraged to move
high-intensity physical activities outdoors whenever possible.
For low intensity activities (e.g. yoga, walking), students are required to wear masks when they are indoors and a
barrier is not present.
Shared equipment can be used, provided it is cleaned and disinfected as per the guidelines in the Cleaning and
Disinfecting section of this document.
Students should be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after using frequently touched
pieces of equipment (e.g. before and after a sports game using a shared ball), as well as proper respiratory
Equipment that touches the mouth (e.g. water bottles) should not be shared unless cleaned and disinfected in
between uses.
There is no current evidence of COVID-19 transmission in playground environments. Playgrounds are a safe
environment. The following measures should be taken when using playgrounds:
Ensure appropriate hand hygiene practices before and after outdoor play
Attempt to minimize unintentional physical contact between students
Sand and water can be used for play if children wash their hands before and after play. COVID-19 does not
survive well on surfaces, other than hard surfaces. There is no evidence showing that the virus survives on sand,
in water or on playdough.
Laminated or glossy paper-based products (e.g. books, magazines, worksheets, etc.) and items with plastic covers
(e.g. DVDs) are low risk items. Regular book browsing and circulation processes can occur as normal. There is no
need to clean, disinfect or quarantine these items for any period of time.
Intra- and inter-school programs, activities (e.g. intramurals, sports team practices, games), sports academies
and events can continue in alignment with the following guidance:
Requirements of relevant local, regional and provincial public health recommendations and Orders for community gatherings and events.
Masks are worn by K-12 staff, other adults and students in grades 3 to 12 when they are indoors and a barrier is not present.
Students are not required to wear masks during high-intensity sport activities7 (e.g. stationary bike, weightlifting, basketball, soccer); mask use during these activities is left to 8 Staff are encouraged to move high-intensity sport activities outdoors whenever possible.
For low intensity sport activities (e.g. stretching, golf), students are required to wear masks when they are indoors and a barrier is not present.
Use all available space to spread students and staff out as much as possible.
Shared equipment can be used, provided it is cleaned and disinfected as per the guidelines in the Cleaning and Disinfecting section of this document.
Students should be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene before and after using frequently touched pieces of equipment (e.g. before and after a sports game using a shared ball), as well as proper respiratory etiquette.
Equipment that touches the mouth (e.g. water bottles) should not be shared unless cleaned and disinfected in between uses.
Sport activities should be held outside whenever possible.
Updated, December 29, 2021
Tournaments are currently paused for all extra-curricular sports. Practices can continue and games can be held where only two teams are gathering at a location to play. No travel outside of the region should occur.
No spectators are allowed, however parent drivers may be allowed in some gymnasiums.
A parent driver should typically be transporting more than one athlete whenever possible
One parent driver is allowed per athlete. Both parents, siblings, etc would be considered spectators and not allowed.
Spread out students and staff within available space, and encourage outdoor activities and programs, as much as
K-12 staff are required to wear masks during these programs when they are indoors, and a barrier is not present.
Students in Grades 3 to 12 are required to wear masks during these programs when they are indoors and a
barrier is not present, except during high-intensity physical activity.
Shared equipment such as set pieces, props, cameras etc. should be cleaned and disinfected as per cleaning and
disinfecting guidelines in this document and students should be encouraged to practice proper hand hygiene
before and after using frequently touched pieces of equipment.
The Association of BC Drama Educators (ABCDE) is currently developing additional guidelines for teaching drama
during COVID-19. Staff should refer to the ABCDE website for more information.
The work environment has changed due to the impacts of COVID-19 and employers will need to follow current
guidelines from the Provincial Health Officer and WorkSafeBC. Students can still engage in work placements in
accordance with the following guidance:
Schools and school districts must ensure students are covered with the required, valid workplace insurance for placements at standard worksites and follow WorkSafeBC guidelines.
Information for workers is available on the WorkSafeBC Communicable Disease Prevention webpage, including COVID-19 and communicable disease information for workers.
For current and any new placements, standards in the ministry Work Experience Program Guide must be followed. (Note: As part of setup and monitoring, worksite visits can now be conducted virtually if needed.)
Students and support workers who accompany special needs students to work sites, life skills course and locations, etc., will adhere to the communicable disease prevention plan of the workplace including wearing PPE if required.
Extracurricular Activities
Intra- and inter-school extracurricular activities and special interest clubs can occur in alignment with the
guidelines in this document and requirements of relevant local, regional and provincial public health
recommendations and Orders for community gatherings and events.
20. Contact Information
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact us at office@ncsnanaimo.com.