Application Process
Thank you for your interest in applying to Nanaimo Christian School! We look forward to connecting with you to answer your questions.
We’re excited that you’re considering joining with us in this wonderful journey of Christian education!
For the 2025-26 school year, NCS is currently full for new applications in Kindergarten - Gr. 5. We may have a few openings in Middle School (gr. 6-8) and High school (gr. 9-12) for students that don't require any learning support, are at grade level, and can provide a pastoral reference.
As a result, we are taking a pause on tours while we process the high volume of current applications.
Timeline (upcoming school year)
January -- Begin processing applications for existing NCS students
February -- Begin processing applications for new prospective students
May 1 -- Recommended registration deadline (K-12). Applications can be submitted at any time and will be processed dependent upon available space.
Step 1 - Book a tour
Find out how we do school differently. Experience our student-first approach to learning. Contact us at 250-754-4512 ext. 6 or admissions@ncsnanaimo.com.
Step 2 - Registration
After the initial meeting, you’ll receive a printed copy of the admissions application to complete (or download it below) including a list of supporting documents for each child applying.
Once your completed application has been received, you will receive an email with instructions on next steps in the registration process.
Admissions & Bus Forms
School bus info, guidelines & registration form
School bus pick up form (K - Grade 2)
Application Checklist
• Application package -- One for each child
• Pastor’s reference form -- Given to pastor, if applicable
• Latest academic and medical reports (report cards, IEP, assessments, etc.)
• Birth certificate
• Legal residency or citizenship documents, if applicable
• Legal custodial papers, if applicable
• School bus registration & pick up forms, if applicable
• $100 Family application fee* (non-refundable) for new family
• $50 Sibling application fee* (non-refundable) for current family, if applicable
*We accept cash, cheque, debit, Visa, M/C or e-transfer to:
Step 3 - Interview
We review enrolment numbers for the upcoming school year in January and February. In February, once we’ve confirmed where there are openings, we begin calling families to schedule interviews with our principal. Interviews continue throughout the spring as spaces are available.
Please note: Families with students in our waiting pool will receive a call from the NCS admissions office to discuss options.
Step 4 - Acceptance
After the interview, families receive an email letter of acceptance with instructions on how to finalize enrolment. New student orientation takes place one day (usually Thursday) the week before school starts in the fall.
Step 5 - Get connected
New NCS families will be added to the mailing list for our e-newsletter, which includes regular updates on what’s happening at NCS.
Other ways to connect with our NCS community:
Read our latest news online
Join us at an upcoming event on the school calendar
Send your prayer requests to prayer@ncsnanaimo.com or join our weekly prayer group meeting (via Zoom video for now)
Find out about current volunteer opportunities
Check out our Parent Resources page
Contact admissions
250.754.4512 ext. 116